Why I hate New England winters: reason # 2345
Last week it was in the 50's, today it's in the 20's and my driver's side door is frozen shut.
I yanked, I pulled, I jumped up and down in frustration, I asked nicely, but nothing, really - nothing, would open my driver's side door this morning. So I had to go Dukes of Hazard style through the passenger side, over the center console, knocking my knee on my stick shift, leaving a salty, muddy footprint on my dashboard just to put myself in the driver's seat...all while some guy in a van across the parking lot watched me.
In other news:
I've made 8 of the 10 pieces I will be sending to OAK next week. A photoshoot is taking place on the 27th and I'm hoping that a few of these pieces will be featured.