Last night, I learned how to sprue. What a funny little word. No, I am not talking about the tropical disease that ravages the gi tract, rather I'm referring to the piece of wax that when attached to a carved piece, acts as an umbilical cord of sorts, giving life to my jewelry. It sticks out from the carved wax like the hair on Alfalfa's head and acts as a funnel for the molten metal that will be poured into the investment.
I attached 4 sprues to 4 different pieces (I now consider myself an expert spruer) and will hopefully be able to cast them next week. They are all rings, three of which will be cast in silver, and one heavier piece, will be cast in bronze (my first sculpture - watch out michelangelo). I will post pictures of the pieces soon.
If you are inclined to read more about it, I found this website: which gives a great explanation of the lost wax casting process (and of course, spruing).